Limitless IDEA Project



You are here: Web Design Sample: Purpose & Structure

Information Architecture_Home Page Design

Information Architecture is the art of organizing information so it is useful and aesthetic - like architecture hopes to do for construction.

When you walk up to a building, you want to find the door handle easily and for it to work as you expect.

The same is true for a web page. Structure should follow from goals and missions of the enterprise.

Limitless Idea Project: photography
Adding Photo Galleries
Information Architecture Secondary Pages with repeated menus
Web Design Information Architecture: Menus make everything easy to find

Good websites start from these goals, are built with clear information architecture & yield good user experiences.

I ask questions until I understand what information my client wants to provide, then organize the information simply and clearly. When purpose & structure are right on, it's beautiful.


Limitless Idea Project: web design
Limitless Idea Project: photography
Limitless Idea Project: photography